When it comes to legislation, the EU is in constant motion. So are we.

EURANIMI calls for clear and straightforward rules on international trade, customs, and taxation that are uniformly applied throughout the EU. Ultimately, we want to reduce the gap between EC regulations and the daily reality of the market.

Our members are mill-independent European SMEs who import and distribute stainless steel and/or aluminium as stockholders, service centres, traders, or processors.

We strive for a fair and flourishing trade ecosystem in a competitive Europe.

EURANIMI was founded in 2021 to fill a void in the sector. Even though matters such as international trade regulations, customs, taxation, and antitrust have far-reaching impact on the cost of doing business, individual organisations do not enjoy access to European authorities.

To be heard, we present a united front. Our international non-profit organisation represents the collective business interests of the independent SMEs that form the middle of the stainless steel and aluminium supply chain.

Many of our members take an active role by addressing specific topics through working groups or committees. The insights gained here are invaluable in guiding our activities. By joining EURANIMI, you too can help safeguard European competitiveness.

Together we are stronger than alone.

Thanks to our common, extensive knowledge and shared market experience, we form a large, strong, and relevant industry platform. Together, we think and act effectively, ensuring our voice is heard at European level.  Under the guidance of the most expert law firms, and based on a cost sharing principle, we act in the best interests of our members and their businesses. We:

• Explain the reality of our market to EU authorities;
• Express the collective concerns of our members;
• Consider and suggest adapted measures for a fairer marketplace;
• Seek remedies against unclear or perfectible regulations.

Our work is…

Information Sharing with EC
Information Sharing with Members
Remedial Legal Action

Why join EURANIMI?

In an ideal world all materials are locally sourced and manufactured at competitive prices. In reality, we also need to look beyond our borders if we want to meet all customer needs and consumer expectations.

This means dealing with import regulations, restrictions, and other measures that impact your bottom line. By joining EURANIMI you get to stay abreast of the constantly evolving EU import regulations and participate in the legal discourses that affect your business.