Eurometal, the association of European steel distributors, has asked the European Commission to pay attention to the upheaval in the market environment after the health crisis and to take into consideration the interests of steel consumers when taking its decision on the potential introduction of new safeguard measures after June 30, 2021, the expiry date of the measures in force since 2018.
EURANIMI, a new association representing the interests of independent importers of stainless steel and aluminium in Europe, is also concerned about the imposition of protectionist measures. In fact, according to the Brussels association, these measures could artificially inflate the prices of imports of semi-finished steel products and would lead to “an uncontrollable influx ” of imports of low-cost finished products, thus penalizing importers, distributors and producers and, by extension, the entire supply chain.
For the full article (in French), visit la Tribune de la Sidérurgie.
Tribune de la Sidérurgie
3 March 2021
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