The Importers Forum:
Have your say!

EURANIMI has created a platform for an open exchange of views and we want you to join us! Together we can eliminate the legal uncertainties and regulatory imperfections created by certain import regulations.

Join us on Thursday 6 June 2024 at 8.30 am CET and have your say on the EC import rules that impact your day-to-day activities and bottom line. Our legal team wants to formulate a plan of action together with you.

Participation is FREE for and RESTRICTED to independent importers and distributors of stainless steel and/or aluminium, so book your spot today.

The EC’s top-down approach leaves those in the middle of the supply chain floundering to comply with the onslaught of regulations in an increasingly unpredictable legal environment. With the Importers Forum, we have an opportunity to push back.

As mill-independent importers and distributors of stainless steel and/or aluminium, we are subject to numerous legislative measures.

Designed to protect and support a flourishing European trade, we are, in principle, not opposed to these measures.

However, contradictory findings, creative legal interpretations, and varying national applications, all add to the general sense of insecurity.

On occasion these legislative measures can:

  • miss their intended effect
  • are taken at the wrong time
  • add administrative burden
  • undermine legal expectations
  • lead to retroactive duties

Have your say by joining us!

The Importers Forum presents a unique opportunity for an open exchange of views with your peers within a solid legal framework.


Thursday 6 June 2024 at 8.30am CET.

Guided by customs law expert Richard Luff, partner of the leading law firm Van Bael & Bellis, we look forward to formulating a plan of action together with you.



1. Welcome by EURANIMI
2. “Legal Uncertainties and Legitimate Expectations” by Richard Luff, Van Bael & Bellis
• Questionable interpretations by the EC
• Legal uncertainty and retroactive impositions
• Inconsistent application of regulations by customs authorities
• Misconceptions around OLAF reports
• Contradictions and shortcomings of CBAM
3. Importers Forum
4. Draw up an action plan
5. Conclusion


To take part in this meeting, all you need to do is:
Sign up below.
• Give some thought to your most pressing concerns and be prepared to share them with the group.
• Please feel free to invite fellow mill-independent importers and distributors.
• You will receive the meeting link shortly before the meeting.

Join the Importers Forum

Please note:

To take part in this meeting, all you need to do is:

  • Sign up.
  • Give some thought to your most pressing concerns and be prepared to share them with the group.
  • Please feel free to share this invitation with fellow mill-independent importers and distributors of stainless steel and/or aluminium.
  • You will receive the meeting link shortly before the event.